Repute Law

Bail Applications or Variations Lawyers

Repute Law is a leading Criminal Law Firm whose Senior Lawyers have successfully done over 30,000 cases. With a wealth of experience in bail applications, we have obtained bail in even the most difficult cases.

Our Senior Contested Bail Lawyers can help you work towards a bail application in cases involving:

Reach out to us today and connect with a Case Concierge™ who can coordinate a bail application with one of our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers.

Our team really excels at what we do. Our past outcomes and results include:

  • Negotiating with police to secure bail.
  • Securing bail after submissions about issues with the police case, including delay, strength of evidence and credibility of police witnesses.
  • Gathering sufficient material to show cause.
  • Gathering sufficient material to ameliorate unacceptable risk.
  • Successfully opposing applications to revoke bail.

We understand that no two cases are the same. That’s why we carefully analyse your situation and work tirelessly to secure your release. We provide each client with the individualised attention, clear advice and sympathetic support they deserve.

We have the skills, determination and passion to provide you with an unrivalled senior legal representation that can assist in getting the best result. We are one of the most trusted firms in the greater Sydney area for taking back control over your life and freedom.

Let Repute Law be your safety net while dealing with a time of great stress and uncertainty. Call our legal hotline at 1800 888 228 today.

Do you have a court date?

We are very different

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with an unlicenced driving offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially.

What is bail?

Bail is when a defendant is released from custody while awaiting a court hearing or trial. Applying for bail is a right if the police have charged you or a loved one and have been detained.

If you have already been released on bail, you may need a bail variation to amend your bail conditions if they are too onerous, unworkable or will be in place for an extended period. 

So, what’s the difference between the two?

Bail application vs. bail variation

A bail application is a written request asking the Court to release an accused person from custody until their trial date. The accused person may submit a bail application directly or rely on their lawyer to present one on their behalf.

You may generally only make one Local Court bail application, so it’s important to do it properly. The primary considerations of the Court are ensuring that an accused attends Court to answer the charges and poses no unacceptable risk of committing further offences or interfering with witnesses.

In contrast, a bail variation is a written request asking the Court to change your bail. This typically occurs when the existing conditions are no longer appropriate, unworkable or too onerous over time. Remember that variation is not a request to be released from custody but an application to adjust your bail.

Bail exists because of the most fundamental principle of our legal justice system — the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Imprisoning innocent individuals while a criminal prosecution drags on for months or years can have serious long-term consequences for the accused. 

Many people charged with crimes are subsequently found not guilty. Everyone has the right to the benefit of the doubt until they are convicted.

Do you have a court date?

Everything you need to know about your bail hearing

A bail hearing is not a trial, but it still requires meticulous planning. The Court must refuse bail if there is an unacceptable risk that a person would:

  • Fail to appear at court to answer charges
  • Commit a serious offence whilst on bail
  • Endanger the safety of victims or the community in general
  • Interfere with witnesses or evidence

Certain offences also require the Court to refuse bail unless the accused can “show cause” why their custody detention is unjustified. If successful in showing cause that their detention in custody is not justified, a person must then satisfy the Court that they pass the “unacceptable risk” test.

Expert legal representation is essential during the bail hearing. Bail Application Lawyers must address arguments about an unfair delay, issues with the strength of the police case and the applicant’s ties and support in the community. You must also vet and present every possible relevant item of evidence to support your application.

Repute Law lawyers have a superb track record of securing bail for clients, even when bail was thought to be hopeless. We take pride in our ability to prepare and argue bail applications thoroughly. Not only do we carefully examine your case and present compelling reasons to the Court, but we also do everything we can to ensure your chances of bail are the best they can be.

The serious impact of being in custody

Being remanded in custody is a distressing and serious matter. In addition to your loss of liberty and mental health consequences, it can also mean the loss of employment, an inability to pay rent or your mortgage and an absence from those you love. Your reputation in the community can suffer, and employers may refuse to hire you.

If you are subject to an application to remand you in custody or have been remanded in custody, you need to seek immediate legal advice from a Senior Bail Application Lawyer to have the best possible chance of bail.

Contact the Senior Bail Application Lawyers at Repute Law to start working on your bail application or variation today.

Fixed Fees

We also believe in offering a fixed fee service, so there is certainty in the cost of the legal work we provide for you and transparency – no unexpected hidden fees or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not be paying for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads.

You’re never assigned an inexperienced junior lawyer, only a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with an unlicenced driving offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially. 

Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

When your application goes to court, your Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and Repute Law Case Concierge will ensure you are Court Ready. This is a unique process created by Repute Law to ensure our clients know what to expect and how to behave in court.

Repute Law has Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers who specialise in applying for bail and also applications to vary bail or to oppose police applications for bail revocation.


Anyone charged with an offence in Australia must be considered for bail. Reasons must be given if it is refused. This is a complex area of the law. Repute Law will only use a Senior Lawyer for your bail application or variation and will be thoroughly and extensively prepared. If you’re unsure how to do this yourself, you may contact Repute Law today and get assigned to an experienced Senior Bail Application Lawyer.

The Court may elect to place conditions on your bail depending on the case or charge in question. These are designed to ensure your attendance at Court, that you remain within the jurisdiction and do not interfere with witnesses or commit further offences.

If you refuse to comply or directly violate your bail conditions, the police may apply to the Court to revoke your bail and return you to custody. You may also face more charges for committing offences whilst on bail or failing to comply with bail. during your trial.

Even if you don’t intend to violate your bail conditions, missing even a single stipulation can lead to a re-arrest. That’s why it’s important to understand the Court’s expectations before leaving custody.

Thankfully, the professionals at Repute Law can help you better understand bail conditions and set expectations in advance. They can also help you file a bail variation application to help change your bail conditions should they prove unworkable or too onerous.

If you are refused bail in the Local Court, you may apply to the Supreme Court. You may also apply for bail a second time in the Local Court if you can demonstrate new facts and circumstances that did not exist at the time of the initial bail application.

Working with a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer from Repute Law can advise you on your options and we will tirelessly fight on your behalf.

Bail applications with Repute Law come with fixed fees, so you always know what to expect. You can check out our most recent spreadsheet to learn more about the cost of applying for bail before your hearing.

Most bail applications in the Local Court in NSW are finalised in one day. However, there are instances where the court may require additional time. You’re welcome to evaluate our simple fixed fees and learn more about what this would cost.

You may file a bail variation application if the current conditions of your bail are arguably unnecessary, too onerous or difficult to follow. Bail Application Lawyers from Repute Law can help you complete the necessary paperwork and file a bail variation with the Court. You can start this process today by calling our legal hotline.