Repute Law

Cybercrimes And Computer Offences Lawyers

Cybercrimes and computer offences

Repute Law is a leading criminal law firm of highly skilled Senior Cybercrime Defence Lawyers who specialise in laws around the use of technology for criminal activity — an increasingly complex legal area. We have a wealth of experience successfully defending clients accused of cybercrimes and computer offences. 

It would be our privilege to represent you in court and fight for your rights in one of the following:

Are you currently in custody or concerned you may be placed in custody? Repute Law can also help with bail applications or variations at your request.

You need a professional team by your side to navigate the increasingly complex world of cybercrime and computer offences. Contact Repute Law through our legal hotline to connect with a Case Concierge™, who is also a lawyer, and get a Senior Cybercrime Defence Lawyer today.

Do you have a court date?

We are very different

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with a cybercrime and computer offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially.   

The serious impact of your charge

Being charged with a cybercrime or computer offence can have far-reaching consequences for you and your family. You may struggle to find work or hold a job, and may be immediately precluded from certain professions. 

You may also experience financial hardship in the future. Your right to travel overseas may be compromised, as you may be required to declare your offence when asked, even when applying for a travel visa.

If you’ve been accused of committing a cybercrime such as hacking or cyber identity theft, you need a Cybercrime Defence Lawyer with an in-depth understanding of cybercrime, computer cases and the law. We can put our expertise to work for you immediately and build the strongest possible defence for your case.

Do you have a court date?

What we believe as computer crime lawyers

We understand being accused of a cybercrime or computer offence can be distressing. In such a challenging situation, you need someone by your side who can robustly defend your interests and protect your rights and freedoms.

Repute Law believes every client deserves access to high-quality legal advice and representation, regardless of the cybercrime offence. We only engage Senior Lawyers — so with Repute Law, you will be represented by an experienced professional with a history of success.

Additionally, Repute Law makes it easy to get the assistance you need with fixed fee rates for every service. The price of your cybercrime case comes with detailed rates and no hidden charges, which means you can spend more time focusing on your case and less time worrying about its cost.

We invite you to reach out to us at 1800 888 228 to learn more.

Fixed Fees

We also believe in offering a fixed fee service, so there is certainty in the cost of the legal work we provide for you and transparency – no unexpected hidden fees or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not be paying for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads.

You’re never assigned an inexperienced junior lawyer, only a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

We go above and beyond to ensure you will get the care and attention you deserve. As well as always being assigned a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers, never a junior lawyer, every Repute Law client is supported by their designated Case Concierge, which is unique to Repute Law. The Case Concierge will monitor your case giving you regular updates by phone, text and email, so you’re never left in the dark, wondering what is happening. The Case Concierge will also regularly check in with you to make sure you are kept up to date with everything. 

Senior Cybercrime Defence Lawyer

Cybercrime cases can be large and intimidating, especially with the evolutionary nature of technology in our world. Repute Law seeks to help you make sense of unfamiliar territory by developing a defence for your case based on testimony, evidence and context. We can also help you present your best in front of the Court with our unique Court Ready™ program managed by a Case Concierge™.

Repute Law employs speciality lawyers with experience handling laws related to cybercrimes and computer offences. Some of the charges we are familiar with include:

  • Computer intrusions
  • The creation and distribution of malicious software (such as ransomware and viruses)
  • Unauthorised access to, or modification of, restricted data
  • Unauthorised impairment of electronic communication
  • Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence
  • Dishonestly obtaining or dealing in personal financial information
  • Revenge porn
  • Cyberstalking, harassment or bullying
  • Cyber fraud

You can connect with the Cybercrime Lawyers at Repute Law today to start work on your case and defend your rights and reputation.


In Australia, a computer crime refers to any criminal activity directed at computers, devices or information communication technologies. It can also refer to crimes requiring the help of a computer, such as fraud, stalking and harassment. Please note these definitions may change frequently due to the transitory nature of computer-based technology.

Cybercrime and computer crime are used interchangeably in Australia. This means whatever qualifies as a computer crime also qualifies as a cybercrime.

Keep in mind that cybercrime is a relatively new and constantly evolving area of the law. This is because internet technology is developing at a rapid pace. Please contact our legal hotline at 1800 888 228 to determine if your case contains a cybercrime charge.

Immediately get in contact with Repute Law to discuss your case with a Computer Crime Lawyer. Our experienced professionals can help you better understand your circumstances and build a robust defence for your hearing or trial. They can also support you with bail applications and variations.

The penalties range from 3 to 10 years imprisonment. Keep in mind this doesn’t include any additional changes accompanying the cybercrime charge.

To be convicted of a computer or cybercrime, the police must prove beyond reasonable doubt that an accused knew the access, modification or impairment was unauthorised and that the accused intended to commit or facilitate the commission of a serious offence by the access, modification or impairment.

Common defences for computer or cybercrimes include having the owner’s consent, having no knowledge or involvement in the offending activity or becoming an entrapment victim to someone else. Working with a Cybercrime Defence Lawyer at Repute Law can help you determine the correct defence for your charge.

The Court is obliged to regard your guilty plea, which entitles you to up to a 25% discount on the penalty. It must also consider the seriousness of the offending, current sentencing practices, any aggravating or mitigating features, your criminal history and character and your prospects of rehabilitation. A term of imprisonment should always be the last sentencing option considered.