Repute Law

Driving While Suspended/
Disqualified Offences Lawyers

Driving while suspended/disqualified offences

Repute Law is a leading Australian law firm specialising in driving offences such as driving while suspended and driving while disqualified. Our Senior Suspended Licence Lawyers have extensive experience dealing with complex and serious cases. Our lawyers have successfully defended hundreds of clients faced with prosecution for driving while suspended or disqualified.

Our driving on suspended licence lawyers can also provide legal court representation for:

Contact us today to build a defence for your driving while suspended case.

Do you have a court date?

We are very different

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with a driving while suspended or disqualified offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially.   

The serious impact of your charge

Driving while suspended or disqualified are serious traffic offences. For example, if the disqualification or suspension arises from a Court order, any breach can be viewed as akin to contempt of Court. 

Being convicted of a driving offence may also significantly impact your personal life. Without a licence, you may be unable to work, maintain your lifestyle, or support your family. Fines may also result in financial hardship, and the prospect of a prison sentence is a real possibility for repeat offenders. 

It is vital to contact a Senior Suspended Licence Lawyer in the earliest possible stages of your case. Not only does this help you build the best possible defence, but it can also allow you to begin working on your case and gather the necessary materials to give you the best possible outcome whilst it is still available and fresh so we can defend your rights in Court.

Repute Law should be your first point of call for the defence of suspended licence charges. Call our legal hotline today for additional details about how we can support your existing case.

Do you have a court date?

What we believe

If you have been charged with a driving while suspended or driving while disqualified offence, you are bound to feel concerned. In many cases, the driving occurred as it was necessary for work or important lifestyle reasons. It is therefore vitally important that all steps necessary to eliminate or minimise further licence loss.

This is where Repute Law comes in. 

When you choose Repute Law to handle your case, one of our Senior Suspended Licence Lawyers puts together the strongest possible defence for your situation. We believe high-quality legal advice should be the rule, not the exception, for individuals Australia-wide. We also offer fixed fee rates to support your budget and peace of mind.

Contact us today at 1800 888 228 to begin building a defence for your suspension offence charge.

Fixed Fees

We also believe in offering a fixed fee service, so there is certainty in the cost of the legal work we provide for you and transparency—no unexpected hidden fees or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not be paying for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads. 

You’re never assigned an inexperienced junior lawyer, only a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

We go above and beyond to ensure you will get the care and attention you deserve. As well as always being assigned a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers, never a junior lawyer, every Repute Law client is supported by their designated Case Concierge, which is unique to Repute Law. The Case Concierge will monitor your case giving you regular updates by phone, text and email, so you’re never left in the dark, wondering what is happening. The Case Concierge will also regularly check in with you to make sure you are kept up to date with everything. 

Our driving on suspended licence lawyers

If the police charge you for driving with a suspended licence, we recommend we immediately begin working on a defence for your case. It is important to gather materials for your defence whilst they are still fresh and available and to ascertain from a senior criminal lawyer the steps you can take now to get you the best possible outcome.

Calling the team at Repute Law is the easiest way to access Senior Suspended Licence Lawyers. First, you connect with a Case Concierge™, who is a lawyer, to talk through the details of your case. Then, you speak with a senior driving offence lawyer who can guide and assist you in establishing your defence for the charge. 

We engage senior lawyers who have experience in all types of driving charges, including:

  • Driving while suspended
  • Driving while disqualified
  • Driving with a cancelled licence
  • Driving when a licence has been refused

Fight for your rights and restore your freedom on the road with the help of Senior Suspended Licence Lawyers from Repute Law today. We encourage you to reach out to our legal hotline today and connect with a Case Concierge™ at your earliest convenience.


Yes. You may appeal a suspended licence within 28 days of receiving your licence suspension letter. A lawyer from Repute Law can help you file your appeal with the Local Court and make the best possible case for your situation.

A person may be fined up to $3300, imprisoned for up to 6 months for a first offence or up to 12 months for a second or subsequent offence. The Court may also make further orders against your licence, so you could be off the road for a significant time. Work with the specialist Senior Suspended Licence Lawyer at Repute Law to get your best possible outcome.

One of the most common defences for driving with a suspended licence is the defence of honest and reasonable mistake of fact, which will succeed if it can be proven that you were unaware that your licence was suspended. Your belief must not only be honestly held but reasonably held. If the Court accepts this, you will be found not guilty.

Receiving a charge of driving on a suspended licence is a criminal offence that may lead to serious repercussions in the future. You will be liable for high penalties, including a criminal conviction, potential incarceration and significant time off the road. Working with the team at Repute Law can reduce this likelihood as they have the experience, the knowledge and the reputation to get the best possible outcomes.