Repute Law

Break and Enter Offences Lawyers

Break and enter offences

Repute Law lawyers have decades of experience representing clients charged with break and enter offences. This is a serious offence where penalties routinely include a term of imprisonment. Don’t trust your future with a junior lawyer. At Repute Law you will only ever be allocated a Senior Lawyer.

Our team of professionals has decades of experience and can defend clients against all types of breaking and entering charges. This also includes cases related to:

Please keep in mind that we also offer bail application services if you are or may be remanded in custody. Reach out to our legal hotline at 1800 888 228 to connect with a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer.

We really excel at what we do. Our past outcomes and results include:

  • Charges withdrawn or downgraded at an early stage
  • Dismissal of charges
  • Securing fines and section 10 non-convictions
  • Securing community correction orders
  • Avoidance of prison terms

We understand that no two cases are the same. We work tirelessly to ensure your rights and interests are protected and will help you get the best outcome in your case. We provide each client with the individualised attention, clear advice and sympathetic support they deserve.

Our technical expertise and individual approach are key to our success. We offer a personalised service tailored to the needs of each client. Our goal is to take or eliminate as much of your stress as possible, keep you fully informed and prepared for court and to get you, the client, the best possible outcome.

Do you have a court date?

We are very different

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with a break and enter offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially.   

The serious impact of your charge

A range of breaking and entering charges exist in Australia, with many of them carrying serious impacts and long-term consequences. The specific charge that you receive will depend on the circumstances of the allegations that you face and whether any aggravating circumstances are alleged.

Break and enter is a complex area of law that’s worthy of detailed analysis by a specialist lawyer. A careful, sophisticated review of the case can often reveal deficiencies in the police case. Thankfully, that’s where Repute Law can help. We invite you to contact us today so we can begin evaluating your case.


The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you broke and entered a property without the owner’s consent. You then committed an offence that carries a penalty of 5 or more years of imprisonment. If you have carried out other serious indictable offences, you will be independently charged with that offence. 

A serious indictable offence means an indictable offence that is punishable by imprisonment for life or for a term of five years or more. This includes sexual assault and assault occasioning bodily harm. 

If you are accused of a breaking and entering charge, you must seek immediate legal advice from a Senior Break and Enter Lawyer. Repute Law ensures you’re never alone, with a Case Concierge™ supporting you every step of the way.

Do you have a court date?

What we believe

Being charged with a break and enter offence can be stressful for you and your family. With the help of our specialist break and enter defence lawyers, we’ll maximise the chances of securing a positive outcome.

At Repute Law, we believe everyone deserves access to high-quality legal representation, which is why we’ll assign one of our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers to work on your case. They’ll build an effective defence for you from the start of the criminal proceedings, ensuring nothing is overlooked. If your case proceeds to court, we’ll defend you strongly.


Fixed Fees

We also believe in offering a fixed fee service, so there is certainty in the cost of the legal work we provide for you and transparency – no unexpected hidden fees or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not be paying for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads. 

You’re never assigned an inexperienced junior lawyer, only a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

We go above and beyond to ensure you will get the care and attention you deserve. As well as always being assigned a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers, never a junior lawyer, every Repute Law client is supported by their designated Case Concierge, which is unique to Repute Law. The Case Concierge will monitor your case giving you regular updates by phone, text and email, so you’re never left in the dark, wondering what is happening. The Case Concierge will also regularly check in with you to make sure you are kept up to date with everything. 

What to expect from our Senior Break and Enter Lawyers

If your case goes to Court, you are assigned a Senior Break and Enter Lawyer and Case Concierge™ — who is also a lawyer — to ensure you are Court Ready™ before the date of your hearing. This is a unique process created by Repute Law to help our clients know what to expect and learn more about how to behave in Court.

We can help you:

  • Receive regular updates by phone so you always know what’s going on with your case.
  • Get ongoing check-ins to monitor how you’re doing and ask whether or not you need additional support or guidance.
  • Be Court Ready™ by providing suggestions, advice on what to say, prepare and wear.

Repute Law have senior lawyers that specialise in break and enter offences. Our professionals can support you with a variety of accusations, including:

  • Entering a dwelling house with intent to commit a serious indictable offence
  • Breaking out of a dwelling house after committing or entering with intent to commit an indictable offence
  • Breaking and entering a dwelling house and committing a serious indictable offence
  • Being armed with intent to commit a serious indictable offence

Reach out to Repute Law’s legal hotline today to get more information about how our lawyers stand above the rest.


Receiving a breaking and entering charge is a serious matter as this charge routinely carries a term of imprisonment. Time is of the essence to protect yourself and those you love, which is why contacting a Break and Enter Lawyer is of the utmost importance.

At Repute Law, you can rest easy knowing we guarantee you a senior lawyer and offer fixed fees on all breaking and entering cases. Our legal hotline is available from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week.

Burglary offences are often referred to as “break, enter and steal” or “unlawful entry” offences. While burglary is typically associated with property theft, a breaking and entering charge may not involve the removal of goods. For further clarification, reach out to Repute Law today.

Breaking and entering charges are considered serious, and bail may be refused depending on the circumstances. At Repute Law, we do everything in our power to fight for your rights and secure bail so you retain your liberty.

In a breaking and entering case, the prosecution must prove the accused unlawfully entered a house or any other building or dwelling without the invitation or consent of the owner. You may be convicted even if you never broke anything and entered through an unlocked but closed window, gate or door. The stakes are high and the penalties are severe, with the Court routinely imposing a prison sentence by way of penalty.

Contact Repute Law to discuss the circumstances of your charge in greater detail.

Here in Australia, several common defences for breaking and entering charges exist. Some of the most common include:

  • The owner gave you permission to break and enter
  • Not entering the building or breaking its seal
  • Committing the offence under duress (someone coerced or threatened you)

You can call our emergency hotline on 1800 888 228 to discuss your options with a Senior Break and Enter Lawyer.

The penalties for break and enter routinely involve imprisonment. In the District Court, 80% of break, enter and steal offenders receive a prison sentence. iIn the Local Court, a prison sentence was imposed in more than half of all cases, though penalties can include a fine, Conditional Release Order, or Community Correction Order. Don’t risk your liberty and reputation; see the difference that a Repute Law Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and your own dedicated Case Concierge™, who is also a lawyer, can make to your outcome.

The Court must evaluate all circumstances of the case, including force used by the entrant, trauma suffered by the victim and the level of planning involved. It will also consider current sentencing practices, your criminal history and personal circumstances. The Court will also take into account a guilty plea, which can give up to a 25% discount on sentence. This can be significant given the routine with which prison sentences are imposed for this offence. Fortunately, the Senior Break and Enter Lawyers at Repute Law can help you present the circumstances of your case in a clear, concise and appropriate manner to get you the best possible outcome.