Repute Law

Street Racing Offences Lawyers

Street racing offences

Repute Law is a leading criminal law firm whose Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers have extensive and long-standing experience in representing clients charged with street racing offences. We have an impressive track record of success defending clients against street racing offences.

What you need to know about Repute Law

When you hire a street racing lawyer from Repute Law, you can count on the following services:

  • Fixed fees
  • Guaranteed Senior Lawyer
  • Designated Case Concierge®, who is also a lawyer
  • Court Ready® assurance

Do you have a court date?

Don’t settle for less — receive expert advice from experienced street racing lawyers at Repute Law

Everyone is entitled to high-quality legal representation regardless of socio-economic or financial background. At Repute Law, all our criminal cases are handled and run by a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer — never a junior lawyer.

Every case is different, and understanding your story is paramount. Whether an offence is committed is not always cut and dry. Therefore, we will analyse your case extensively and provide an honest opinion about its merits.

A good outcome for you is far too crucial for your life. Unlike other criminal law firms, we never use inexperienced junior lawyers.

We go above and beyond to ensure you receive the care and attention you deserve. Your designated Case Concierge®, unique to Repute Law, will monitor your case, giving you regular updates by phone, text and email, so you’re never left in the dark, wondering what is happening. The Case Concierge​​® will regularly check in to ensure you’re in the loop.

Prepare for Court

A street racing charge is a serious matter. You could be fined, lose your licence, or, for a second offence, even imprisoned if convicted. It can also harm your job, employment prospects, and daily and family life. Police may also decide to clamp or confiscate your vehicle for a period. For a subsequent offence, they may do so permanently. As an alternative to confiscation, the police may take away your number plates. 

If charged with a street racing offence, we recommend you seek legal advice from our street racing lawyers immediately. You must be aware of the legalities of your position. Early representation can also make a significant difference in the outcome.

If your case goes to Court, your Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and Repute Law Case Concierge® will ensure you are Court Ready®. Repute Law creates this unique process to ensure our clients know what to expect and how to behave in Court.

Repute Law has Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers who specialise in all types of street racing offences, including:

  • Street and speed racing
  • Police pursuits
  • Driving at dangerous speeds
  • Drag racing and aggravated burnouts

Do you have a court date?

A reputation that precedes us

There’s a reason why we have “Repute” in our name — our street racing lawyers excel at what we do. Our senior lawyers’ past outcomes and results include:

  • Complete dismissal of cases
  • Getting charges dismissed early or reduced
  • Negotiating facts and sentence reduction
  • Securing Section 10 non-convictions
  • Avoidance of fines and disqualification

A unique approach to every case

At Repute Law, we recognise that no two cases are the same. We work tirelessly to protect your rights and interests and will help you get the best outcome in your case. We provide each client with the individualised attention, clear advice and sympathetic support they deserve. When you choose Repute Law, you can trust that we’ll assign you a lawyer who specialises in your particular case. 

Some of our areas of specialty include:

Fixed Fees

At Repute Law, we offer fixed fees with no unpleasant hidden extra or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. We run a lean firm where we spend every dollar of your payment on getting you top-notch legal advice — without the unnecessary standard legal corporate trimmings. Our street racing lawyers will give you 100% certainty about your case costs. Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do — the client. 

We think this approach is just plain wrong at Repute Law, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients and keep all our company overheads as low as possible to spend your money where it counts — on the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If charged with a street racing offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, legally and financially.

As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not pay for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads. 

Hire a street racing lawyer from Repute Law to pursue the best possible outcome

Street racing charges have severe consequences, from hefty fines to driver’s licence suspensions or even imprisonment. Your vehicle may even be confiscated for 3 months or forfeited, or your number plates may be seized. With the help of our expert lawyers in street racing who are well-versed in traffic laws and defence strategies, you’ll have the support you need to navigate the legal system and build a robust case on your behalf. 

Our lawyers in street racing treat every case with great care and understand the stakes involved. Experience matters; our lawyers have done over 30,000 previous cases with a history of impressive results. When you choose Repute Law, you can rest assured our lawyers will relentlessly pursue the best possible outcome for your case. If you have any questions, contact our team, who will gladly assist.


The prosecution must prove that the accused willingly engaged in racing or speed contests on a public road or in a public place. Street racing refers to conduct such as:

  • A race between vehicles on a road
  • Attempts to break a speed record on the road
  • Any trial of a vehicle on a road
  • Any competitive trial designed to test the skill of any vehicle driver or the reliability or mechanical condition of any vehicle on the road
  • Any competitive trial designed to test the skill of any vehicle driver or the reliability or mechanical condition of any vehicle on the road

The police must establish the defendant’s identity, provide evidence of the race or competitive driving activity and demonstrate that it occurred in a public setting. They may need to show how the accused’s speed or behaviour exceeded legal limits or threatened public safety. They must prove that the street race did not have the approval of the Commissioner of Police.

If you’re convicted of street racing, you will face disqualification from driving for 12 months or more. The maximum fine you will face is $3,300. Imprisonment is an option if it is your second or subsequent major offence.

Unlike many other serious traffic offences, the Court can reduce the disqualification period below 12 months. 

All factors will be considered, including the seriousness of the offence, your reason for committing the offence, previous driving history, personal circumstances and hardships you would face by losing your licence. 

If you own the vehicle but it wasn’t you driving, you can apply to the Court to have your vehicle returned. For second or subsequent offences, Roads and Maritime Services may permanently confiscate and sell or use your vehicle for crash testing. The maximum prison sentence for a second or subsequent offence is nine months. 

If you choose to pursue a “not guilty” verdict, our senior lawyers in street racing will demonstrate there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you organised, promoted or participated in:

  • A race between vehicles
  • An attempt to break a vehicle speed record
  • Trialling a vehicle’s speed
  • A competitive trial to test the skill of the driver or the condition of the vehicle