Repute Law

Drink Driving Lawyers

Drink driving offences

If you have been charged with a drink driving offence, you can rely on Repute Law to help you navigate your case. Our lawyers have successfully defended over 30,000 cases and would be honoured to provide a defence for your drink driving charge.

We’re proud to serve Australians with a hand-picked selection of driving offence lawyers, many of whom have specialities navigating traffic laws. In addition to drink driving, these include:

If you’re looking for legal representation for your drink driving case, please contact the Repute Law legal hotline at 1800 888 228.

Do you have a court date?

We are very different

Typically, traditional law firms have expensive offices, layer upon layer of partners and associates, not to mention company cars and lots of long lunches. Guess who pays for all of that? Yes, you do—the client. At Repute Law, we think this approach is just plain wrong, so we take an entirely new approach. We truly value our clients, and we keep all our company expenditures as low as possible so that your money is spent on what it needs to be spent on—the best Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer and legal advice to get you the best outcome. If you have been charged with a drink driving offence, you know we will look after you in every way possible, both legally and financially.   

The serious impact of your charge

Drink driving charges can have a serious impact on your life, and a negative consequence on the lives of your loved ones. 

While there is an obvious financial and lifestyle impact from the loss of a licence, a conviction for drink driving can also affect your ability to obtain insurance, pass security clearances, or visit overseas countries such as America and Canada. 

A conviction for drink driving can also have many other consequences. You may lose your job, struggle to find work in the future and be required to install an Alcohol Interlock Device into your vehicle before you can get your licence back.

If you are charged with a drink driving offence, you should seek expert drink driving legal representation immediately. The sooner you engage a Senior Drink Driving Lawyer, the sooner they can work on building a strong case for your defence. 

Call 1800 888 228 to see the Repute Law difference: we promise to work hard to defend your interests, no matter the severity of your case.

Do you have a court date?

What we believe

We believe the last thing anyone arrested with a drink driving offence should do is use an inexperienced junior lawyer or, worse still, represent themselves in court. Too much is at stake, and you need to get the best possible result.

Repute Law believes every client deserves access to high-quality legal advice and representation, regardless of the offence. That is why we´ll assign one of our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers who specialises in drink driving offences to your case. We´ll evaluate the charges against you and ensure that every effort is devoted to securing the best possible outcome. 


Fixed Fees

We also believe in offering a fixed fee service, so there is certainty in the cost of the legal work we provide for you and transparency – no unexpected hidden fees or bias costs based on your occupation or postcode. As our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers work remotely, you will not be paying for an expensive office or unnecessary overheads. 

You’re never assigned an inexperienced junior lawyer, only a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyer

We go above and beyond to ensure you will get the care and attention you deserve. As well as always being assigned a Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers, never a junior lawyer, every Repute Law client is supported by their designated Case Concierge, which is unique to Repute Law. The Case Concierge will monitor your case giving you regular updates by phone, text and email, so you’re never left in the dark, wondering what is happening. The Case Concierge will also regularly check in with you to make sure you are kept up to date with everything. 

Our Drink Driving Lawyers in Australia

Not all Senior Drink Driving Lawyers have the same drive, passion and experience. While some take huge caseloads to line their wallets, others show a deep desire to defend their clients. 

That’s how Repute Law provides outstanding results to clients — we seek to employ only senior lawyers with years of applied experience.

We also eschew the dated practices of per-hour billing and sneaky fees. Instead, we post our transparent, fixed fee rates online so you see and can feel good about getting what you paid for.

Getting started with Repute Law is simple and straightforward. Once you call our legal hotline, we can connect you with a Case Concierge™. Then, we can match you to a Senior Drink Driving Lawyer in Sydney who can build your defence and protect your rights in Court.

Our senior lawyers have experience with:

  • Court elected on-the-spot drink driving fines
  • DUI (drive under the influence) charges
  • Refuse breath/blood test
  • High-range: BCA – 0.15 and above
  • Mid-range: BCA – 0.08 to 0.149
  • Low Range: BCA 0.05 to 0.079
  • Special Range: BCA 0.02 to 0.049
  • Novice Range: BCA 0.001 to 0.019

Contact us today to invest in your future and build a defence for your charge.


Drink driving refers to driving with a blood alcohol level that exceeds the specified legal limit. There are six main drink driving offences, each with differing threshold limits and penalties.

Those convicted of drink driving offences will experience licence disqualification, fines and in repeat or serious cases, even imprisonment. There are also flow-on effects to your reputation and lifestyle. To protect your position, it is essential to seek legal advice to determine your best way forward. The senior lawyers at Repute Law have assisted thousands of motorists in avoiding a conviction and retaining their licence.

Those charged with drink driving under the legal age may face the Children’s Court, and orders can be made prohibiting you from obtaining your licence when you are legally able to apply for it.

The seasoned lawyers at Repute Law can help you contest a drink driving charge with a robust legal defence. First, we carefully review the police case to see if there are any errors or issues that may mean there is no case for you to answer. We then take your instructions to better understand your situation and to determine if there is any viable defence.

We will then advise you on your prospects of successfully defending the charge. We have the experience and the knowledge to get you your best possible outcome, whether that is pleading not guilty and having the charge dismissed or pleading guilty and obtaining up to a 25% discount on the sentence given if a case resolves as a plea.

Any criminal conviction provided by the Court will remain on your permanent record. However, some convictions may become ‘spent’ after a period of 10 years or less. You can talk to the lawyers at Repute Law to better understand how spent convictions can affect your life.

The police may suspend your licence immediately or within 48 hours of you being charged or receiving a penalty notice. If not, you are permitted to drive after a drink driving charge until the Court has determined its decision. That’s why it’s so important to retain the services of an experienced and Senior Drink Driving Lawyer — you may be able to appeal the suspension or prevent a suspension from impacting your life.

There are two ways to avoid a drink driving conviction in Australia: pleading not guilty and having the matter dismissed, or pleading guilty to the charge and receiving a penalty without a recorded conviction. Please contact Repute Law for more information.

The prosecution must prove the accused operated a motor vehicle whilst over the limit of permissible blood alcohol. This means a blood alcohol content referable to low-range, mid-range or high-range BAC.

Your age, driving history, and your blood alcohol level (BAC) all have an impact on the severity of your drink driving charge, as does the circumstances of your offending. Was it an inadvertent lapse in judgement, or was it a blatant disregard for the law and the consequences of driving whilst over your legal limit?

A Senior Drink Driving Lawyer should be well-versed in drink driving laws, defences and penalties. A defence may be identified that allows you to reduce or avoid the penalties associated with your case. A Senior Lawyer may also present your case using relevant materials and will make strong legal submissions so you avoid a conviction or a licence loss.

Where the Court has discretion, powerful arguments need to be advanced so the Court exercises its discretion in your favour. Contact Repute Law today to discuss the details of your charge.

You should immediately contact the team at Repute Law. If you need your licence, we can help you develop a defence for your case and defend yourself in Court.

Firstly, you should only plead guilty if you accept responsibility for the offence and agree with the police summary of what happened. If you do plead guilty, the Court will hear an outline of your case from the police, and then they will hear from your lawyer.

In an appropriate case, a plea of guilty can give a sentencing discount of up to 25%, which is a significant reduction. You should not plead guilty without first obtaining legal advice.